Priority areas
EHAP employs an integrated sustainable development approach to address the pressing challenges faced by vulnerable communities in Northern Malawi. By focusing on key thematic areas such as Health and Nutrition, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Gender and Human Rights, Education and Protection, Food Security, and Livelihood, these approaches aim to uplift and empower those most in need with much emphasis on women and girls. Through a holistic and community-driven approach, EHAP is committed to fostering sustainable development, improving quality of life, and building resilient communities.
Health and Nutrition
Our Health and Nutrition program is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of vulnerable communities in the Ekwendeni catchment area. We focus on educating community members about safe drinking water, hygiene, and sanitation to prevent waterborne diseases and improve overall community health. Additionally, we prioritize safe motherhood practices to ensure healthy pregnancies and deliveries, alongside targeted nutrition initiatives designed to combat malnutrition among women, children, and other at-risk groups. Through these efforts, we strive to build a healthier and more resilient community.
Empowering women economically is at the heart of our Livelihood program. We facilitate the formation of Self-Help Groups (SHGs), providing women with the tools and support they need to achieve financial independence. These groups foster savings, entrepreneurship, and income generation, enabling women to uplift themselves and their families. To further strengthen the community, we offer capacity-building opportunities for our staff and local structures, ensuring they are equipped to lead and sustain livelihood initiatives that drive long-term economic growth.
Food Security
Our approach to Food Security is integrated with our efforts in nutrition and livelihoods. By promoting sustainable agricultural practices and educating communities on proper nutrition, we help families secure access to nutritious food. This holistic strategy not only addresses immediate food needs but also builds resilience against future food insecurity, ensuring that families can thrive in the long term.
Gender and Human Rights
At EHAP, we are committed to advancing Gender Equality and safeguarding Human Rights. Our program actively addresses gender inequality and fights against gender-based violence (GBV) through community education and advocacy. We work to raise awareness about gender rights, challenge harmful practices, and create a protective environment for women and girls. Through capacity building, we empower local structures to effectively prevent and respond to GBV, fostering a community where everyone’s rights are respected and upheld.
Education and Protection
Our Education and Protection program is designed to provide comprehensive support for orphans and vulnerable children, ensuring they have access to quality education at all levels— pre-primary, primary, secondary, tertiary, and vocational. We believe that education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty, and we are committed to equipping these children with the knowledge and skills they need to build a brighter future. Beyond education, we are dedicated to protecting children from abuse and exploitation, creating a safe and nurturing environment where they can thrive.
Contuct address
Ekwendeni Mission Hospital
P.O. Box 19
Ekwendeni, Malawi